Source code for omemo.state

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2015 Bahtiar `kalkin-` Gadimov <>
# This file is part of Gajim-OMEMO plugin.
# The Gajim-OMEMO plugin is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# Gajim-OMEMO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# the Gajim-OMEMO plugin.  If not, see <>.

import logging
import random
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode

from axolotl.ecc.djbec import DjbECPublicKey
from axolotl.identitykey import IdentityKey
from axolotl.duplicatemessagexception import DuplicateMessageException
from axolotl.invalidmessageexception import InvalidMessageException
from axolotl.invalidversionexception import InvalidVersionException
from axolotl.nosessionexception import NoSessionException
from axolotl.protocol.prekeywhispermessage import PreKeyWhisperMessage
from axolotl.protocol.whispermessage import WhisperMessage
from axolotl.sessionbuilder import SessionBuilder
from axolotl.sessioncipher import SessionCipher
from axolotl.state.prekeybundle import PreKeyBundle
from axolotl.util.keyhelper import KeyHelper

from .aes_gcm import NoValidSessions, decrypt, encrypt
from .liteaxolotlstore import LiteAxolotlStore

log = logging.getLogger('omemo')

# Monkey patch axolotl SessionCipher
def s_decryptMsg(self, ciphertext):
    :type ciphertext: WhisperMessage
    if not self.sessionStore.containsSession(self.recipientId, self.deviceId):
        raise NoSessionException("No session for: %s, %s" %
                                 (self.recipientId, self.deviceId))

    sessionRecord = self.sessionStore.loadSession(self.recipientId,
    plaintext = self.decryptWithSessionRecord(sessionRecord, ciphertext)

    self.sessionStore.storeSession(self.recipientId, self.deviceId,

    return plaintext

def s_decryptPkmsg(self, ciphertext):
    :type ciphertext: PreKeyWhisperMessage
    sessionRecord = self.sessionStore.loadSession(self.recipientId,
    unsignedPreKeyId = self.sessionBuilder.process(sessionRecord, ciphertext)
    plaintext = self.decryptWithSessionRecord(sessionRecord,

    self.sessionStore.storeSession(self.recipientId, self.deviceId,

    if unsignedPreKeyId is not None:

    return plaintext

SessionCipher.decryptMsg = s_decryptMsg
SessionCipher.decryptPkmsg = s_decryptPkmsg

[docs]class OmemoState:
[docs] def __init__(self, own_jid, connection): """ Instantiates an OmemoState object. :param connection: an :py:class:`sqlite3.Connection` """ self.session_ciphers = {} self.own_jid = own_jid self.device_ids = {} self.own_devices = [] = LiteAxolotlStore(connection) self.encryption = for jid, device_id in if jid != own_jid: self.add_device(jid, device_id) log.debug(self.own_jid + ': devices after boot:'+str(self.device_ids))
[docs] def build_session(self, recipient_id, device_id, bundle_dict): sessionBuilder = SessionBuilder(,,,, recipient_id, device_id) registration_id = preKey = random.SystemRandom().choice(bundle_dict['prekeys']) bundle_dict['preKeyId'] = preKey[0] bundle_dict['preKeyPublic'] = b64decode(preKey[1]) preKeyPublic = DjbECPublicKey(bundle_dict['preKeyPublic'][1:]) signedPreKeyPublic = DjbECPublicKey(b64decode(bundle_dict['signedPreKeyPublic'])[1:]) identityKey = IdentityKey(DjbECPublicKey(b64decode(bundle_dict['identityKey'])[1:])) prekey_bundle = PreKeyBundle( registration_id, device_id, bundle_dict['preKeyId'], preKeyPublic, bundle_dict['signedPreKeyId'], signedPreKeyPublic, b64decode(bundle_dict['signedPreKeySignature']), identityKey) sessionBuilder.processPreKeyBundle(prekey_bundle) return self.get_session_cipher(recipient_id, device_id)
[docs] def set_devices(self, name, devices): """ Return a an. Parameters ---------- jid : string The contacts jid devices: [int] A list of devices """ log.debug('Saving devices for ' + name + ' → ' + str(devices)) self.device_ids[name] = devices
[docs] def add_device(self, name, device_id): if name not in self.device_ids: self.device_ids[name] = [device_id] elif device_id not in self.device_ids[name]: self.device_ids[name].append(device_id)
[docs] def set_own_devices(self, devices): """ Overwrite the current :py:attribute:`OmemoState.own_devices` with the given devices. Parameters ---------- devices : [int] A list of device_ids """ self.own_devices = devices
[docs] def add_own_device(self, device_id): if device_id not in self.own_devices: self.own_devices.append(device_id)
@property def own_device_id(self): reg_id = assert reg_id is not None, \ "Requested device_id but there is no generated" return ((reg_id % 2147483646) + 1)
[docs] def own_device_id_published(self): """ Return `True` only if own device id was added via :py:method:`OmemoState.set_own_devices()`. """ return self.own_device_id in self.own_devices
@property def bundle(self): """ .. highlight: python Returns all data needed to announce bundle information. :: bundle_dict = { 'signedPreKeyPublic': bytes, 'prekeys': [(int, bytes) (int, bytes)], 'identityKey': bytes, 'signedPreKeyId': int, 'signedPreKeySignature': bytes } """ prekeys = [ (k.getId(), b64encode(k.getKeyPair().getPublicKey().serialize())) for k in ] identityKeyPair = signedPreKey = KeyHelper.generateSignedPreKey( identityKeyPair, KeyHelper.getRandomSequence(65536)), signedPreKey) result = { 'signedPreKeyId': signedPreKey.getId(), 'signedPreKeyPublic': b64encode(signedPreKey.getKeyPair().getPublicKey().serialize()), 'signedPreKeySignature': b64encode(signedPreKey.getSignature()), 'identityKey': b64encode(identityKeyPair.getPublicKey().serialize()), 'prekeys': prekeys } return result
[docs] def decrypt_msg(self, msg_dict): own_id = self.own_device_id if own_id not in msg_dict['keys']: log.warn('OMEMO message does not contain our device key') return iv = b64decode(msg_dict['iv']) sid = msg_dict['sid'] sender_jid = msg_dict['sender_jid'] payload = b64decode(msg_dict['payload']) encrypted_key = b64decode(msg_dict['keys'][own_id]) try: key = self.handlePreKeyWhisperMessage(sender_jid, sid, encrypted_key) except (InvalidVersionException, InvalidMessageException): try: key = self.handleWhisperMessage(sender_jid, sid, encrypted_key) except (NoSessionException, InvalidMessageException) as e: log.error('No Session found ' + e.message) log.error('sender_jid → ' + str(sender_jid) + ' sid =>' + str( sid)) return except (DuplicateMessageException) as e: log.error('Duplicate message found ' + str(e.args)) log.error('sender_jid → ' + str(sender_jid) + ' sid => ' + str( sid)) return except (Exception) as e: log.error('Duplicate message found ' + str(e.args)) log.error('sender_jid → ' + str(sender_jid) + ' sid => ' + str( sid)) return except (DuplicateMessageException): log.error('Duplicate message found ' + e.message) log.error('sender_jid → ' + str(sender_jid) + ' sid => ' + str( sid)) return result = decrypt(key, iv, payload) log.debug(u"Decrypted msg ⇒ " + result) if self.own_jid == sender_jid: self.add_own_device(sid) else: self.add_device(sender_jid, sid) return result
[docs] def create_msg(self, from_jid, jid, plaintext): encrypted_keys = {} devices_list = self.device_list_for(jid) if len(devices_list) == 0: log.error('No known devices') return for dev in devices_list: self.get_session_cipher(jid, dev) session_ciphers = self.session_ciphers[jid] if not session_ciphers: log.warn('No session ciphers for ' + jid) return (key, iv, payload) = encrypt(plaintext) my_other_devices = set(self.own_devices) - set({self.own_device_id}) # Encrypt the message key with for each of our own devices for dev in my_other_devices: cipher = self.get_session_cipher(from_jid, dev) encrypted_keys[dev] = b64encode(cipher.encrypt(key).serialize()) # Encrypt the message key with for each of receivers devices for rid, cipher in session_ciphers.items(): try: encrypted_keys[rid] = b64encode(cipher.encrypt(key).serialize()) except: log.warn('Failed to find key for device ' + str(rid)) if len(encrypted_keys) == 0: log_msg = 'Encrypted keys empty' log.error(log_msg) raise NoValidSessions(log_msg) result = {'sid': self.own_device_id, 'keys': encrypted_keys, 'jid': jid, 'iv': b64encode(iv), 'payload': b64encode(payload)} log.debug('encrypted message') log.debug(result) return result
[docs] def device_list_for(self, jid): """ Return a list of known device ids for the specified jid. Parameters ---------- jid : string The contacts jid """ if jid == self.own_jid: return set(self.own_devices) - set({self.own_device_id}) if jid not in self.device_ids: return set() return set(self.device_ids[jid])
[docs] def devices_without_sessions(self, jid): """ List device_ids for the given jid which have no axolotl session. Parameters ---------- jid : string The contacts jid Returns ------- [int] A list of device_ids """ known_devices = self.device_list_for(jid) missing_devices = [dev for dev in known_devices if not, dev)] if missing_devices: log.debug('Missing device sessions: ' + str( missing_devices)) return missing_devices
[docs] def own_devices_without_sessions(self, own_jid): """ List own device_ids which have no axolotl session. Parameters ---------- own_jid : string Workaround for missing own jid in OmemoState Returns ------- [int] A list of device_ids """ known_devices = set(self.own_devices) - {self.own_device_id} missing_devices = [dev for dev in known_devices if not, dev)] if missing_devices: log.debug('Missing device sessions: ' + str( missing_devices)) return missing_devices
[docs] def get_session_cipher(self, jid, device_id): if jid not in self.session_ciphers: self.session_ciphers[jid] = {} if device_id not in self.session_ciphers[jid]: cipher = SessionCipher(,,,, jid, device_id) self.session_ciphers[jid][device_id] = cipher return self.session_ciphers[jid][device_id]
[docs] def handlePreKeyWhisperMessage(self, recipient_id, device_id, key): preKeyWhisperMessage = PreKeyWhisperMessage(serialized=key) sessionCipher = self.get_session_cipher(recipient_id, device_id) key = sessionCipher.decryptPkmsg(preKeyWhisperMessage) log.debug('PreKeyWhisperMessage -> ' + str(key)) return key
[docs] def handleWhisperMessage(self, recipient_id, device_id, key): whisperMessage = WhisperMessage(serialized=key) sessionCipher = self.get_session_cipher(recipient_id, device_id) key = sessionCipher.decryptMsg(whisperMessage) log.debug('WhisperMessage -> ' + str(key)) return key